The Path to Fabulous  will take you from where you are now to where you want to go. Learn how to create fabulous moments, intensify your fabulous experiences, ignite your fabulous passions and turn them into a series of fabulous experiences that will create the life you have always wanted. Read the book. Bring an open mind and be ready to have fun and become even more fabulous than you already are. It’s all right here for you.

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Let’s take a deeper look at what it means to be Fabulous and on the Fabulous scale of 1-10 just how Fabulous we really are…or think we are.

Let me ask you. What does fabulous mean to you?

Fabulous means exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous; superb;  And then it got even better.

You might have heard variations on the word Fabulous:

           fabulosity: the amount of fabulous-ness something has

           fabulousular: made from the very stuff, the core of fabulousness

           fabooshical: totally wonderful, deserving the highest ranking

           faboulas: being fabulous

           faburiffic: both fabulous and terrific

           fabutastic a mixture of fabulous and fantastic

           fabstastic: fabulously ecstatic

           fabulicious: a combination of fabulous and delicious

           fabularious: something or someone that is fabulous and hilarious

           fabu: fabulous in every way

           fabufectious: fabulously contagious

           fabulastic: totally awesome

           fabulux: totally luxurious

           fabtastic: really fabulous, as in a miracle

            fabulis: a word for ultra fashionable

            fabulistic: being cool and fantastic, like something beyond belief

            fabuloso: a fabulous male

            fabulosa: a fabulous female

            fabulus  very, very fabulous

Okay, so we see how many ways you can be Fabulous.

The dictionary told me that fabulous originally came from the word fable which came from the Latin word fabula, which meant story, and that came from fari meaning to speak. This lead to the word fabulist which means a teller of stories.

That lead me to thinking that there are two meanings for Fabulous: one is marvelous, unique and superb, which is you…and the other is the story telling or story speaking definition..which is what you do with your Fabulousness.  Added together they create the whole world of Fabulous.  And our quest is really what the Path to Fabulous is all about.

Paraphrasing Albert Einstein: there are two ways to live your life: one is as if nothing is fabulous and the other is as if everything is.

So what about you? In the front of my book I ask the question: How will you live your One, Precious, Unique and Remarkable life?

So, how will you?

As if everything is Fabulous, or as if nothing is?

Will you embrace your birth as merely human or your birthright as fabulous?

It’s your choice and The Path to Fabulous can show you how to get there from here. This is your story to write and your life to live, why not live it full-tilt-boogie forward, rocking your world every single day of your life?

Rock Your World – The Path to Fabulous

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