What if someone came along and said,
“I’ll give you $100,000 to heal.”
What would you do?
Would you accept the offer?
If you did accept it, how would you set about the task?
Would you sit down and make an elaborately detailed plan and follow it?
Would you call your friends and family and ask them what you should do?
Would you immediately go to your doctor and ask him or her for suggestions and prescriptions? Would you go online and order a bunch of books from Amazon?
Would you find a shaman and make an appointment? Would you travel to a foreign country? Would you call in your spirit guides?
What would you do? How would you begin the process of healing? And, what exactly do you think healing is?
No one, not even medical doctors, completely understand healing; it has fascinated the brightest and the most erudite thinkers and philosophers for centuries. To date, no one has created the perfect definition or explanation.
Supreme Healing is a breakthrough approach to healing from any kind of illness or condition (mental or physical) one may have. The information in this book helps to heal the body, mind, and soul in active harmony with natural life forces and human healing power. How healing occurs is not fully understood by any branch of science or medicine, but that it does occur is certain.
Supreme Healing explores the mystery of healing and provides a direct path to the inner wisdom every human being possesses and demonstrates how to access that information at any time.
Healing is the birthright of every living creature. Supreme Healing unlocks the doors to perfect, complete, natural inner and outer healing that can bring about restored health to anyone who chooses it. Learn the techniques for restoration and healing and re-create your perfect health.
The book illuminates the directions to explore, doors to unlock and visions to behold that can unravel the mysterious intricacies that ultimately transport us from one physical condition into another.
In other words, it teaches you how to heal yourself and others.
Healing is a fascinating subject and one that we explore together in the book. Light is shed on the mysteries confounding most of us in the act of healing.
Buy the book. Read it and learn how to heal yourself and others from the inside out.
You will amaze your doctors about how much you know about the process of getting well.
Buy the audio companion MP3 and work through the processes listed in the book. Using them together will allow you to create a perfect home for healing to occur within you.
Supreme Healing has been called a “must read” by healers and Ph.D.’s around the world. It has provided healing and relief for countless readers and can help anyone who is willing to co-create their own health from the inside out.