Said my dear friend’s son as she was putting her intention for him under the cheese dome. “You really think I’m gonna get that interview for a new job with a stupid piece of paper in a cheese dome? C’mon mom, that’s ridiculous.”  About five minutes later, his phone rang and it was the HR’s assistant setting up a time for his interview.  The expression on his face was selfie-worthy. He wasn’t sure what to say next as he confirmed his appointment for the next day.  Desiring to save face and not fall for the power of cheese dome quite yet, Doubting Thomas chalked it off to coincidence and went on his merry way.

The next morning, as he was headed out the door for his interview, he asked his mom, “Uh, did you put a note in that ‘thing’ about me getting the job?”  He gestured towards the cheese dome sitting on the kitchen counter.  The mom stifled a broad smile and asked, “Did you want me to?”  “Uh yeah,I guess,” he replied, “couldn’t hurt,” as he  clanged the screen door shut behind him as he left the house.  Dutifully, his mom, following orders put the request for him getting the job under the cheese dome, said a little prayer and walked away fully confident the job was his.

That afternoon her son returned home with a giant smile on his happy face, a new ID tag with his picture on it around his neck and an armful red roses for his mom in honor of The Cheese Dome and his new job. “I guess I have to thank you  and the cheese dome,” he said as he handed her a bouquet of one dozen exquisite stems and gave her a big kiss. To the cheese dome he said, “Sorry if I was a little rough on you. Thanks a million.”  The cheese dome received an affectionate pat on its dome.

Got the job!

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