Have you ever run out of Coping Coupons? There are days when I feel like I’m being pummeled by a tennis ball pitching machine gone berserk and everything is hitting me all at once. My options are to: tear my
Mosquitos are Back in Full Force
The mosquitos are back in full force here in Southern VA. I tried to hide under the sheet all night but the little bugger still got me. On page 61 of Kac Young‘s The Healing Art of Essential Oils http://amzn.to/2s4caLy
Excellent Interviewers and Great On-Air Show
Conscious Talk Radio with Brenda Michael’s and Rob Spears. Thank you for having me on your purchase cialis online show . It was fun and exciting. Beautiful interview with Brenda Michaels and Rob Spears.http://conscioustalk.net/guest_detail.php?guest=1953
Essential Oils for March 27 – the Aries New Moon
Monday, March 27, 2017 is the New Moon in Aries. It is a time to set your sights on what you want and go after them. Diffuse Black Pepper, Frankincense, Rosemary and Lemon to stir the fires of the Aries
Kac guests on The Dave Congalton Show March 1st 4pm KVEC
Dave Congalton has invited me to speak about Essential Oils and my new book The Healing Art of Essential Oils just published Jan 8. Tune in at 4PM to learn how Essential Oils can help you live a better, greener
Aromatize Your Room and Help Prevent Colds at the Same Time.
You can brighten the holiday spirit in your home by diffusing seasonal blends and protecting your family against airborne germs: For a woodsy smell: Diffuse a blend of: 3 drops of Pine or Fir Essential Oil, 2 drops of Eucalyptus
Holiday Feelings Happy or Sad?
Are you excited it’s the holidays? Are you filled with joy, excitement and anticipation? If you are then fill your home with the scents that call to you and speak to your heart. If you like a foresty kind of
How To Prevent Colds and Flu
The number one tip for helping to prevent catching a cold or the flu this season is to wash your hands. But it isn’t just a fast and casual pass through running water. There’s an art to washing your hands to ward off the bacteria and viruses that cause colds and flu.
Launching the Book
Right now my new book, coming out in bookstores Jan 8, 2017 is available for a pre-purchase at Amazon.com. Here’s what some people are saying about it: “Having been contacted by Kac for some additional information on essential oil safety, in particular
How Essential Oils Can Help You Live a Better Life
Last night I was asked to give a presentation for my new book The Healing Art of Essential Oils for my long-time friend and colleague Dr. LJ Rose and her Natural Wellness Academy in Florida. I was happy to know