Discover Your Spiritual Genius




What would it feel like to be a spiritual genius?

Spiritual Genius is a powerful presence within each of us. It is the place in each of us where the Divine meets the human.

In ancient Latin, “spiritual” meant “breath” and “genius” meant “animating spirit.”

By ancient definition, Spiritual Genius is the internal, automatic, life-giving spiritual and physical breath of our spirit which nourishes, inspires, guides, sustains and animates our life on earth. It is the one thing all living things have in common and it is our core connection with God and the Universal Divine Energy.

Spiritual Genius is present and available all the time.

The gardener finds a divine idea concealed in the seed; loosed into action this idea produces a plant. The scientist finds energy concealed in the atom. The geologist finds it in the colored layers of stone. The term, Spiritual Genius demonstrates that an intuitive knowledge is present in everyone and in everything.

Terry Cole-Whittaker says:

Spiritual Genius is fabulous! It gets right to the point. It’s funny and has the right kind of thought-provoking challenges that will bring positive results for all readers.”  This book is a sure-fire shortcut to a spiritually fulfilled life.  It is a no-nonsense, straight to the heart of the matter, get it done approach for anyone who really wants to live life at a deeper and more committed level. It is a course of positive action leading to permanent change. It’s fast.

We all have it; some of us just use it more often than others.

And when we do use it, we navigate our path and direct our lives from a purposeful place. We cannot be disappointed, we cannot be alone, we cannot sustain pain.


But What if we don’t know how to find our inner genius? What if it’s been anesthetized by our upbringing or social pressures that have stifled our natural abilities? What if we could open its cage and let it free?

Discover Your Spiritual Genius provides all of the answers to all of the questions inside everyone. This is the pathway for unlocking your personal Spiritual Genius and to live your life from a center of happiness and joy.

All of this is possible when you awaken your Spiritual Genius and begin to use its power and purpose in everything that you think and do.

No more whining. No more excuses. Get over yourself and get on with your personal development. Face life with a sense of inner personal power.  The foundation of a happy life is contained in this book; chapter after chapter is filled with tools for self-improvement, behavior adaptation, new ways of thinking, forgiving and forgetting and creating a more potent and positive life for the individual and the community.

The book comes from real-life, proven success measures and is a must-have handbook for anyone who wants to lead a balanced, healthy, successful life filled with joy and laughter.

As Groucho Marks said, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”  This book follows that philosophy while dishing out tips and life coaching that’s worth its weight in gold.

The book will show you exactly how to unlock what is hidden and buried within you. Begin to live the life of a spiritual genius today.

Discover Your Spiritual Genius

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